ZWIFT códigos promocionales 2024

¿Qué es Zwift?

Zwift es una plataforma online que permite a los usuarios interactuar, entrenar y competir en un mundo virtual sin salir de casa mediante un rodillo inteligente o cinta de correr. Elige entre planes de entrenamiento, rutas en bicicleta en grupo, carreras y mucho más. Tu condición física irá mejorando. Sin duda alguna, con el confinamiento que nos hemos visto afectados por la pandemia de Covid19, este tipo de programas han aumentado considerablemente.

¿Cómo consigo Zwift?

Si estás en un ordenador (ya sea PC o Mac), para instalar Zwift deberás visitar su página web oficial y descargar el programa. En cambio, si quieres utilizar tu móvil/tablet (ya sea Android o iOS) deberás hacerlo mediante Google Play o App Store respectivamente.

¿Para que sirven los Jerseys en Zwift?

Estas equipaciones, que un poco mas abajo de este post te detallamos, sirven para personalizar tu personaje. De esta forma podrás cambiar de ropa cada vez que quieras de manera gratuita.

¿Cómo introduzco un código?

Para desbloquear un kit, simplemente presiona la tecla «P» en el juego e ingrese el CÓDIGO DE DESBLOQUEO y te aparecerá una caja de texto para que puedas introducirlo.

zwift código promocional
Insertar código promocional Zwift

Listado de códigos promocionales

Aquí está la lista más completa que he visto de kits en el juego y sus códigos o métodos de desbloqueo.

1AlienwareDell Alienware Jerseygoalienware
2Amgen Tour of California 2015Amgen Tour of California 2015 Jerseyatoc2015
3Amgen Tour of California 2016Amgen Tour of California 2016 Jerseygoamgentoc
4BattenkillCelebration of the Battenkill 2015 US ridegobattenkill
5Bicycling MagOfficial Bicycling Magazine Jerseybicyclingmag
6Bike & BeerExactly what the jersey says.bikeandbeer
7Bike RadarOfficial Bike Radar Jerseybikeradar
8Canbera CCCanbera Cycling Club Jerseycanberracckit
9Century KitEarned by riding 100 miles continuously in Zwift
10Century Road Club Association (CRCA)Century Road Club Association Jerseycrcanyc
11FreeSpeedAn independent bike fit studio offering a full range of fit services for cyclists and triathletes.gofreespeed
12GCNGlobal Cycling Network, the Youtube channel.gogcn
13GearPatrolA daily magazine of immersive stories, deals, buying advice, product-forward editorial, and reports from far-flung places.gearpatrol
14Geelong Cycling ClubGeelong Cycling Club Jerseygeelongcckit
15Gold Coast CyclingGold Coast Cycling Club Jerseygoldcoast
16GoPearson Cycling ClubPearson Cycling Club Jerseygopearson
17InGamba Cycling ToursAward-Winning Bicycle Tours Since 1979.goingamba
18Jensie Grand Fondo of Marin 2015Celebrates the start of the eponymous Grand Fondo.jensie
19LAVALAVA Magazinelava
20Metric CenturyEarned by riding 100 kilometers continuously in Zwift
21More Than SportMore than Sport harnesses the power of sport to inspire and transform lives around the worldmtskit
22Morning Glory CCOne of the larger Toronto cycling clubs.mgcckit
23RadavistA group of individuals who share a love of cycling and the outdoors.radavist
24Ride AustraliaNot sure what this jersey represents…. Maybe something about riding your bike in Australia. Duh!rideaustralia
25Road.ccThe website for pedal powered
26Rye Norwaygoskrye
27Sigma SportSigma Sport is the largest road cycling and triathlon store in the UK.sigmasport
28SlowtwitchOnline triathlon magazine with product reviews, a bike fit guide, training tips, and several regular columnists.slowtwitch
29St Kilda Bike ClubThis kit represents the St Kilda BCC in Australia, who have recently partnered with Shimano as a sponsor.stkilda2015kit
30StravaEarned by linking your Strava account to Zwift
31Sydney CCSydney Cycling Clubsydneycckit
32Team VisionThe Team of Nathan Guerra, a professional mountain bike racer. You can check out his Youtube Channelgovision
33Tour de PierThis was a charity jersey run where the total number of miles ridden using this jersey was logged.tdp2015
34Triathlete MagFor those who swim, bike and run.triathletemag
35TS BikesA Belgian bike shop and official Zwift Experience Centre.tsbikes
36US Military Endurance SportsUSMES supports Cycling, Triathlon, Running, and Adventure Racing teams for amateur athletes of all abilitiesgousmes
37VCGHA cycling group from Surrey Hills, UK.vcghkit
38World Bike ReliefThe global bike charity jersey.gowbr
39ZTH – Zwift ThailandOne of the first Facebook group Zwift clubs to actually have an IRL jersey.zthkit
40EliteElite training jerseygoelite
41Tacx NeoTacx Neo training Jerseygotacx
42Wahoo FitnessWahoo Fitness is a tech-fitness company.wahoofitness
43CIS Training SystemsCIS Training System Jerseygocis
44Go CycleopsCycleops Training Jerseygocycleops
45Hertis Koers Kithikkit32616
46Mid Devon CCMid Decon Cycle Clubmdcckit
47North Hampton CCNorth Hampton Cycle Clubnccmakit
48Peaks Coaching GroupPeaks Coaching Group Kitpcgkit32516
49Pearson CCPearson Cycling Clubgopearson
50Power TapPower Tap Jerseyridepowertap
51QuarqQuarq Jerseyridequarq
52RadavistRadavist Jerseyradavist
53Train SharpTrain Sharp Jerseygotrainsharp
Listado códigos promocionales Zwift

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